American Basswood

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  • Regular price $25.00

Tilia americana

The American basswood is a keystone species of the Big Woods forests of Minnesota. It is a tall and stately tree and makes an excellent shade tree or ash replacement. Small, fragrant clusters of buttery white flowers in early summer are an important food source for pollinators. Be sure to water in times of drought and proper planting is required for long term success. Plant on the west or east side of your home for maximum energy benefits.

Mature height x width: 40-60’ x 30-60’
Light: Full sun to partial shade
Moisture: Medium moist, well drained         
Soil: Sandy loam to clay loam
Tolerates… Alkaline soil, clay soil, occasional drought
Does not tolerate… Soil compaction, ice storms
Ash replacement? Yes
Buckthorn replacement? No
Shoreline buffer zone? No
Seasonal interest: Spring flowers 
Resilience to climate change: Moderate adaptability
Pollinator and wildlife value: High

Photo credit: Vern Wilkins, Indiana University,, Paul Wray, Iowa State University,